Midwest heart, East Coast energy.

I grew up in Ohio, but I've lived on the coast of Massachusetts for over 20 years. I can drop "wicked" into most sentences (try me) and I'm a lobster roll snob. But, there will always be a place in my heart for Skyline Chili and the Bengals (this will be their year, right?). I also have an unreasonable devotion to my alma mater, Ohio University. That's where I studied journalism, design, and communication. Today, I'm a talented copywriter and plug-and-play content collaborator. So I guess it all worked out!

In my free time, I'm a parent to two teenagers who are destined to change the world, and I like to volunteer in my community and watch movies (and give unsolicited reviews). I'm also an amateur baker and photographer with a true crime podcast habit.

Wherever I go,
there I am.

There are three important things that make me a good writer.

One is experience. I've been doing this a long time. As a trained journalist and master creative writer, my range is wide and my attention to story, voice, and detail is keen.

Two is adaptability. I'll learn all about your company and brand, your products, and your people so I can speak the language as naturally as you do. I'll find the subtleties in tone that make you who you are and incorporate them in everything from subject lines to sign offs. I'm like a method actor for content.

Three is leadership. Once I have a handle on who you are and what you want, I can layer in my experience and knowledge to help you build a pathway to success.

Curious. Comprehensive. Compassionate.

Want a copywriting hack? This one's on the house. I've always found that no matter the industry, no matter the format, I can always find three words that start with the letter C to create impact statements in everything from digital ads to email headlines. Here, I used them to describe myself.

Like anything, use this tool sparingly. Give it a go. I know you've got the creativity, capability, and courage to nail it.

Who's that guy there? That's Copper. He proofreads everything.

Who knew you'd find someone so amazing?

(978) 376-1977


Alyson Aiello

Newburyport, MA | (978) 376-1977 | alyaiello@gmail.com

© Alyson Aiello, 2023